Fishing in Strathfillan

Strathfillan Angling Association

Permit Prices for 2024

Day Permit £8.00

OAP Day Permit £6.00

Weekly Permit £40.00

Season Permit £50.00

Useful links

SAA Facebook Page

SCDT Online Permit Form

SAA FishPal Site 

Update for 2024

Daily and weekly permits are now available to purchase online from Fishpal or our Online Permit Form. To purchase a season permit, please email Sheona at or purchase online here. Permits are still available via our regular local vendors in Tyndrum and Crianlarich.:

Fishings Maps 2024

Please click on this link to download updated maps of Strathfillan Angling Association's fishings across the Strathfillan area.

Fishing Maps 2024 

History of SAA

In 2015 the Trust was approached by Glasgow Telephones and Civil Service Angling Association to takeover the Strathfillan fishings. This includes much of the Lochy, Cononish and Fillan Rivers and areas of Loch Iubhair and Loch na Bi. We were happy to take this on and the Strathfillan Angling Association was established. We have been running the fishings since 2016.

We currently lease fishings from Forest and Land Scotland and several individual landowners. See the maps below for further detail.