Community Garden
Community Garden 2024
Primary School Garden Club
The Primary School Garden Club was back in action laying down some wildflower turf in the Community Garden. A fun day was had by all and we hope to see some lovely flowers growing soon. A big thanks to the Forth Environment Link for providing the wildflower turf and a big thanks to Alan Maclennan for keeping it all watered until it settles in.
Trustinthepark Tree Planting
We had a very busy morning planting 110 tree whips (Wild Cherry, Hazel, Aspen, Willow, Oak, Wild Apple) in the Community Garden. The trees will be looked after in the community garden for now, with the plan to plant them in our community woodlands in time. A big thanks to the Loch Lomond & Trossachs Countryside Trust for providing the pots and the trees and to Natalie and Sharon who helped us to pot them up, also to Sheona and Alan Maclennan, Margaretanne Browne, Clare West, and Dawn Skelton for volunteering your time.
Community Garden 2023
This year has been our first, full year where we have been able to grow to our heart's content. What started as a hot, dry summer rapidly turned into a cool damp summer in July, but that didn't stop a plethora of greenery. Residents of the Strath have been growing everything from sweetpeas to potatoes.
Our polytunnel, raised beds and tubs have been bursting with colour. Thanks to everyone who has done such a great job, and a big thank you to Alan MacLennan, who has been looking after the garden everyday.
Primary School Garden Club
Since 2022 pupils from Crianlarich Primary School have been looking after beds in the Community Garden, including the polytunnel. They have grown a vast range of plants, from huge cabbages to glorious scented sweetpeas. They have worked really hard and enjoyed every minute.
Many thanks to Alan MacLennan for hosting the monthly sessions with the school, and to the staff of Crianlarich Primary School for their support. And a massive thank you to all the school pupils who worked so hard.
Crianlarich Community Garden
Background to the Community Garden
Since 2016 the Trust ran an Adopt a Tub Scheme, where local people and businesses adopted and looked after tubs and planters in both Crianlarich and Tyndrum. They all did a fantastic job, and have really helped to brighten up the villages. However, in 2019 it was felt that the project had run its course in Crianlarich.
The Trust approached a number of local people who had been involved in the Tub Scheme to see if they would be interested in setting up a Crianlarich Gardening Group. They were, and we discussed various plans for the future, including developing a community polytunnel. When the pandemic hit everything sadly ground to a halt. Nevertheless, during Lockdown there were local discussions about setting up a community polytunnel and space for people to be able to meet up safely outside. Thus the Community Garden was born.
Where to have the Community Garden
The Trust has leased Lower Station Yard in Crianlarich from Stirling Council for over 10 years, and following the Community Action Plan, developed the western area into a car park and picnic area for the village. This serves local businesses, the Primary School, Nursery, and visitors.
The eastern side of the site has been left undeveloped, until now. The Trust has gained the permission from Stirling Council to develop this site into a Community Garden and, following two community consultations and a membership vote at the Trust AGM, the community has also given the go ahead.
Our Vision
We aim to create a well used and well loved community garden. A pleasant place for local residents and visitors to rest and enjoy the lovely landscape we live in. Where people can grow fruit, veg and flowers, and have access to a community orchard. A space where people can get together safely. A place for outdoor community events, and a place for our children to learn about nature and growing things.
What we have done
We were lucky enough to secure funding from the National Park's 2020 Community Grant Scheme to develop the Community Garden, including a polytunnel, sheds, raised beds and some orchard planting.